Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Wednesday Weigh In
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
My Healthcare Solution - NOW STOP YELLING!
Here is my healthcare plan:
1. Make it affordable for ALL employers to offer GOOD healthcare plans by subsidizing the cost or better regulation
2. Allow small businesses and the self-employed to buy in to a healthcare collective, giving them the opportunity to have affordable full coverage healthcare.
3. Expand coverage for children, allowing more children to be covered by medicaid/SCHIP and use it as their secondary provider
"Universal" healthcare is not a perfect solution. Even places that have it admit there are drawbacks. What we need to focus on is keeping costs down across the board. My son just had his tonsils and adenoids removed the cost for that DAY surgery over $10,000.00. That seems extremely high and excessive to me - thank God I have great insurance, but my out of pocket was still $1250 (our plan max). An older woman I spoke to in the waiting room of my Dr's office told me that in France if you get admitted to the hospital it is like $15/day no matter what you are there for. I don't know how accurate that is, but I think putting a set charge like that would help. We need to stop focusing on "government" healthcare and focus on what needs to be done to get everyone insured. If healthcare premiums were low enough that ALL employers could afford to offer GOOD plans to their employees at an affordable rate, that helps get a good majority of people covered. If small businesses and the self employed get to buy healthcare together with the power of a large corporation, that covers almost everyone else. Expand medicaid coverage for kids, allowing for children who have insurance to be covered but as their secondary insurance, lowering the financial burden on parents.
Stop all the yelling and start listening. I am not an expert or an elected official but I think if I could come up with a relatively simple solution, the big brains in Washington should be able to do the same. Stop listening to the special interests and listen to the interests of your constituents.
Lets work together - Healthcare is a UNIVERSAL need!
Thank You!
1. Make it affordable for ALL employers to offer GOOD healthcare plans by subsidizing the cost or better regulation
2. Allow small businesses and the self-employed to buy in to a healthcare collective, giving them the opportunity to have affordable full coverage healthcare.
3. Expand coverage for children, allowing more children to be covered by medicaid/SCHIP and use it as their secondary provider
"Universal" healthcare is not a perfect solution. Even places that have it admit there are drawbacks. What we need to focus on is keeping costs down across the board. My son just had his tonsils and adenoids removed the cost for that DAY surgery over $10,000.00. That seems extremely high and excessive to me - thank God I have great insurance, but my out of pocket was still $1250 (our plan max). An older woman I spoke to in the waiting room of my Dr's office told me that in France if you get admitted to the hospital it is like $15/day no matter what you are there for. I don't know how accurate that is, but I think putting a set charge like that would help. We need to stop focusing on "government" healthcare and focus on what needs to be done to get everyone insured. If healthcare premiums were low enough that ALL employers could afford to offer GOOD plans to their employees at an affordable rate, that helps get a good majority of people covered. If small businesses and the self employed get to buy healthcare together with the power of a large corporation, that covers almost everyone else. Expand medicaid coverage for kids, allowing for children who have insurance to be covered but as their secondary insurance, lowering the financial burden on parents.
Stop all the yelling and start listening. I am not an expert or an elected official but I think if I could come up with a relatively simple solution, the big brains in Washington should be able to do the same. Stop listening to the special interests and listen to the interests of your constituents.
Lets work together - Healthcare is a UNIVERSAL need!
Thank You!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Writer's Workshop: Too Hot to Handle...
This weeks prompt: 1.) Who made you red hot this week?
I have 3 things/people that made me RED HOT this week.
#1 Michael Vick:
Okay not actually Michael Vick, but the reaction of people to his reinstatement by the NFL. First let me start by saying I think what he did is despicable. I love animals as much as the next person, however HE DID HIS TIME! What he did was terrible, no he did not take responsibility right away, but he did go to jail. He was sentenced by a court of law and he did his time. If he had any other job people would not be demanding he not be allowed to serve their fries at McDonalds. He has the right to make a living, and the way he makes his living is to play football. Yes he is in the public eye and therefore many think he should be held to a higher standard, but he is just a man. He is no different than the rest of us. We have all done things we are not proud of. Probably not to this extent but come on now. Leave him alone! I know people who are so mad about his reinstatement that they are not going to watch the NFL at all. That seems silly to me. If you don't like him don't watch him play, why cut out football altogether? We as a society need to stop getting mad about the wrong things. Did he kill anyone? NO Did he in anyway endanger another human being? NO Yes he was cruel and irresponsible with animals, but as much as we love them, they are still animals. They deserve to be treated and cared for properly but we cannot equate the actions of a person against an animal to that of actions against a person. Why isn't there the same kind of outrage when our soldiers are killed fighting on foreign land? Lets all take a step back and think about what is really important. For every MJ and Michael Vick there are probably 5 soldiers or more whose name we will never know because we were too busy with our noses in the tabloid news. To everything its place and time, and lets give others the second chance we would want if ever we needed one.
#2 Parents who take small children to inappropriate movies:
HELLO.....Thats what the ratings for! So I listen to an awesome morning radio show. On Monday they were discussing a parent that took their small child to see 'The Orphan' Many listeners called and wrote talking about all of the other inappropriate movies they had seen parents take kids into. Now I have to ask, isn't that what the ratings system is for? I bet that this parent is the kind of parent that wants labels on everything so that they don't have to THINK! I mean come on now. What were you thinking? Did your 6 year old say I want to see that movie, and like a moron you just took her no questions asked? Or were you not able to get a sitter and decided to you HAD to see it opening weekend as if the movie would vanish if you didn't see it right away. I just don't understand. I am all for a parents right to do what they think is best for their own child, however when your child is in class telling my child about a movie they saw and now I have to explain why he can't see it, that makes me HOT! I mean the industry has already done everything it can to make things IDIOT PROOF. What more can they do? Police the movie theaters making sure parents are not being MORONS? Or maybe they have to make the rules more strict, instead of admitted with a parent should it be not admitted at all? Come one people get it together! Do what is best for your child, and what is best for them is not seeing 'The Orphan' or 'Bruno' Any questions see the chart above!
#3 The Monster that has taken over my child:
This boy make look sweet and innocent, but I assure you there is something sinister lying beneath the surface. Underneath all that sweetness lies a shrieking, whining, yelling, deaf, jumping off the couch, throwing everything in the trash when he gets mad MONSTER! I don't know what happened to my sweet boy. He is lost. In his place is this being I do not like much. He requires more attention than he did at 2. What is going on? Shouldn't it be getting easier? Shouldn't I be able to go to the bathroom without worrying about whether he has gotten a hold of my phone and called the police again. Yes he does call the police, I have a Blackberry that locks automatically when I put it in the holster, you can do nothing with it except make an emergency call. Now this feature I am sure is great in an emergency, but not so great when a monster has taken over your child and he calls the police on a regular basis. At least once a week I am explaining to a 911 operator that my son got my locked phone and called them by accident. I think we have become the family who cried wolf, my phone number is probably at every station in the 911 dispatch center so should I ever have a real emergency, I will be out of luck. I just want my sweet boy back, preferrably before I end up in the loony bin.
Ok so now I am done...What made you HOT this week?
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
4 yrs ago today......
Current mood:
Now four years later, I could not be happier. I am so glad that he picked me. I could not ask for a better husband or father for our son. His proposal was perfect and so uniquely him. I would not change a thing. Ok maybe a bigger ring, just kidding. I love my ring, hell I picked it. I can't believe that it has already been 4 years since we got engaged. So much has happened in that short time that it seems like it has been much longer, in a good way.
I love you my amazing husband, you are the best. I could not ask for anything more. I love you, I love you, I love you!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
In my house...
So the whole "sexting" thing is bad in and of itself. I don't know why kids find this so amusing. I guess I have always been a little paranoid, I would be worried about who else would see or read my text. However in my day the worst we could do was write an embarassing note on real paper, imagine that. Still, as an adult with text messaging I can't imagine "sexting", even with my husband. There are too many variables. My husband could lose his phone, lend it to a nosy friend, or accidentally forward my message.
As far as the kids "sexting" well I guess I don't understand why. What happened to self respect? We have begun to go above and beyond to boost kids self esteem. Only positive cheers at organized sports, everyone plays rules and so on. So then why now are kids doing things that show such a lack of respect for themselves?
What prompted me to write this blog was not the fact that the kids are doing this, because I am speechless about that, shocking I know.
During the news report a computer program that parents can use to monitor their children's cell phones was shown to several teenagers and parents. Of course the kids said "Thats an invasion of privacy" One parent showed support and another said "Oh no Big Brother"
Here is my opinion:
If I pay the cell phone bill, I paid for the cell phone, my child lives RENT FREE in my house, I CAN and WILL monitor, search and check anything I want. I believe my child has the right to privacy. However, I do not believe that his right to privacy trumps my right and responsibility to keep him safe. My husband and I have already discussing the rules for our son. Right now there is not much we have to worry about but, he will never have a computer in his room, I will use security software to block and monitor his internet use, I will monitor and restrict his use of video games and if I see fit I will search his room. Now I am not saying that I will trample on his privacy just because I can, but if he gives me a reason I will do what I have to do as his mother. I am not interested in being his friend, I am his mother. I plan to do all that I can to have an open and honest relationship where he can and does come to me with anything. I plan to have open lines of communication and listen to his point of view. However that in no way will put he and I on the level of friendship. When he is an adult, and I have done my job, then I hope we will be friends. But when he is a child, my primary responsibility is to be his mother.
I am tired of hearing parents say how they didn't know what their child was doing. Why didn't you know? Why weren't you paying attention? STOP worrying about whether or not your child likes you. THEY DON'T HAVE TO LIKE YOU! Being a good parent is not about being popular. My mom was not always my favorite person growing up, but I grew up. I survived the rules, I survived the consequences of breaking the rules. I became a parent, and now I understand why she did the things she did. She was protecting me, loving me, and teaching me to be a responsible adult. She was right, she wasn't my friend. But she is now.
When we do not teach our children that there are consequences for their actions, or teach them that someone else is always to blame, we do them a HUGE disservice. We do them more harm than good by not setting clear boundaries and sticking to them.
So yes I think cell phone monitoring software is a good thing. I think that nowadays when kids often know more about technology than their parents, any tool parents can use to help keep their kids safe is good. However no software is a substitute for good parenting. Software or not it is still our responsibility as parents to KNOW what is going on in the lives of our children.
Sorry kids, but when you go out get a job, your own place to live, and support yourself then you can expect complete privacy. Until then, while living with your parents, in the room they let you use (no it is not yours it is a room in their house they have loaned to you) your privacy rights are very limited. My advice, be honest, earn your parent's trust and then you don't have to worry. Be dishonest and sneaky, well....
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Tuesday's Tribute: Infertility
So this weeks tribute is to my frenemie Infertility.
I know seems weird that I would want to pay tribute something I have struggled with and fought against for 3 1/2 years. But this week for only the 2nd time since I have been dealing with it, I was grateful to not have another child.
This was the first time that I was grateful to not have another child. They day that my nephew was born. I got to be there, got to see him be born, all made possible by the fact that I only had my Monkey to worry about. I took him with me and as it got close B took him downstairs to play. I didn't have to worry about a baby or 2 kiddos and what I would do with them. I got to experience the most amazing thing I have ever seen all because of infertility, and having an only child.
The second and most profound time that I was grateful to infertility came this past Friday. My Monkey had to have his tonsils and adenoids removed. My husband and I got to be with him while we waited for him to be taken back to surgery. We both got to be with him after surgery. When we got home, we had no one else to worry about and were able to dote on him. I was able to lay in his bed with him, and comfort him. I didn't have anyone else wanting my attention. I was so glad to not have a another little one here that needed me. I got to focus on my son, nothing and no one else. I slept with him, when he asked, jumped when he called, and comforted him when he was in pain. I LOVED it.
So Infertility I salute you...this week anyway.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Team Kate
I CAN'T STAND JON GOSSELIN! He makes me want to puke! He sits there on the couch all attitude like he is so put upon to have kids and a wife to deal with.
Poor poor Jon is "only" 32 and has too much responsibility BOO-HOO.
Poor Jon has a control freak for a wife WAAA.
Poor Jon quit his job to stay in his large and comfortable home with his kids, take vacations, and have experiences most of us dream of OH MY.
Poor Jon quit work and is fortunate enough to have more than enough income to provide for his family WHAT A SHAME.
It is not like you only knew Kate for five minutes before you decided to get married. I suspect that she has been a hyper-organized control freak most of her life. And I do not use control freak as a derogatory term, I too am a control freak. You still chose to marry her. It is not like oops one day she happened to get pregnant. You went to a fertility doctor paid money and went through a whole process - both times. I will give you that NO ONE expects to have 6 babies at the same time, however you did not believe in selective reduction, so again it was your decision. So what if you have been the primary caregiver for extended periods of time over the last year so that your wife could go out and promote her books, which by the way help to keep you in the lifestyle you have quickly became accustomed to. Who do you think was the primary caregiver for the last 4 years? And as for her hyper-organization and controlling nature, how do you think you have survived having 8 kids thus far. You can not play the pity card. NO ONE feels sorry for you, well maybe your young girlfriend does, but normal everyday people, not so much.
You are an ungrateful, unappreciative, quitting loser. Do you know how many people out there would love to be blessed with the ability to provide for your family while being able to be home with them. A LOT!
You are a parent, being photographed with a woman before you are even divorced is not good for your kids. Acting the way you act, is not good for your kids. Saying on TV how rough your life is because you are tied to your family, is not good for your kids. Treating their mother poorly and not showing her any respect, is not good for your kids. One day very soon you will have to answer to them about your behavior. Before you go out and do anything ask yourself if your sons were to behave the way you do would you be proud of them, and how is what you are doing going to effect your kids.
You need to pull your head out of your butt, suck it up and make the sacrifices ALL parents make to give our kids the best life possible. Parents in general are not FREE, we all sacrifice. You are not special, you are not being tortured.
I have heard you speak many times about your faith. I sincerely hope that you spend some time reflecting on your faith and speaking to God and asking for guidance. I hope you listen, and find a path that is loving and respectful.
I feel bad that I resorted to name calling, and that what I have said may come across as judgmental. But it comes from a place of knowing what the Gosselin children are going through. I am a child of divorce. However my parents NEVER spoke ill of each other to or in front of me. They never spoke ill of each other in any way that I would have ever found out. They were and are still able to come together for me and for my son. They are respectful of each other and me. I could not be more grateful for this. I don't know if this is was hard for them, I don't care to know. What I do know is that my parents loved me enough to not put me their child in the middle. There is no reason for 2 responsible adults not to behave respectfully, cordially, and gently with each other for the sake of their children. Your divorce is none of their business.
When you are a parent your children come first. Try to remember that.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Tuesday's Tribute: My Baby Sister
Ok so this is my first time to do Angie @ SevEn cLoWn CirCuS' Tuesday Tribute.
My tribute today is to my baby sister.
She is 8 1/2 yrs younger than me and before my son was born she was the person I lived for. I admit I spoiled her. When I started working, almost every time I got paid we would go shopping. I would buy her an outfit, or whatever else she wanted. She was sort of a little mascot to my friends and I. She and I hung out a lot. Then as it always happens, she grew up and hanging out with her big sister wasn't as fun. We still hung out, but I soon became mostly a taxi, and a place to crash. When I got pregnant my due date was her birthday, I thought that it was kinda cool, although I knew I had to have a C-Section and my son wouldn't be born on that day. She didn't. She was mad at me, right like I decided what my due date was. No matter how much I tried to explain that I wasn't gonna actually have the baby on my due date, she stayed mad. Then I went in to premature labor, and every time I had to spend the night in the hospital she came to see me. When I got home and was on bed rest she was a big help. Then the baby came, at the time I still lived with my mom and sister. She has never been a fan of kids. She tried not to like him. But I think cause she was so mean to me he came out looking very much like her. He won her over. She is his Godmother and since he was baby he just lights up when she is around. It brought us closer together. She has had a tough few years. Almost a year ago she found herself pregnant. She as I said was not a fan of kids and had always said that she didn't know if she would even have kids. She struggled with it, but being a mom grew on her. A little over 6 wks ago I got the call, she was in labor. So off to the hospital we went. My sister whose mouth often rivals that of a sailor, was calm. Not a single bad word. I got to be there, got to see my nephew be born. After his birth I worried. My sister not a fan of kids, except my son, now had her own. Now she couldn't hide from the crying, this baby was dependent on her. I know my sister has more strength than she realizes, but would she find that within herself now when she really needed it. SHE DID. She has amazed me everyday since the day my nephew was born. She is a GREAT mother. She is devoted, loving and committed to him. And a little selfish, I sometimes have to fight with her to give him to me. My baby sister is not a baby, she is a beautiful, capable, amazing mom. So today I salute her for all that she is and all that she does. I LOVE YOU SISSY!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Mother's Worry
I love this boy more than I could ever dream of putting in to words, and boy do I like to put things in to words. I love him more than I ever thought I was capable of loving anything. He is my baby, the light of my life, my greatest achievement and my biggest blessing. He is rambunctious, loud, dirty, hyper, sweet, loving, maddening, brilliant, and so much more. He is my angel. He does crazy things like fall asleep on the couch with a PB&J in his hand.
He is amazingly resilient. He loves everyone, he is accepting, and non-judgmental. He forgives, he forgets and he adapts. After 4 yrs of being the only baby in our family he took to being the "Big Cousin" very well. He wants to help, he thinks he knows what the babies want and tells us.
He love my sister's baby so much he has decided that it is his "Baby Brudder"
He is mischievious and if left unwatched he will sometimes take advantage and get into things that he shouldn't like my mom's long wear lip gloss. He took advantage of us after the birth of my nephew, we were tired and vulnerable.
What is all this rambling about. Well my baby is having his tonsils removed on Friday. Now because I am the mom it is my responsibility to keep it together, to be calm and reassuring. I can't be worried or nervous in front of him or his dad for that matter. But he is my baby, and I am worried, I am nervous. I haven't figured out how to be calm and reassuring for myself. Just like with my hubby's surgery last week, I know it is minor surgery, but it is my BABY! This boy is my life. He changed me in so many ways not the least of which is he made me a Stay at Home Mom. Something I never dreamed I would be. He has made me a better me. I think my biggest worry is that I have some trouble with anesthesia, and I worry that maybe I passed that on to him. My other fear, my sweet farmer boy HATES bad tasting medicine!
The transformation when trying to get him to take medicine is like Bruce Banner to Hulk. It can be frightening. I know that this is for the best, that his snoring is caused by his, in the Dr's words "HUGE" tonsils. I know that he will sleep better and be happier and healthier when they are out. I know that once the tonsils are gone the likelihood that he will ever have to have a Strep test, which he also hates, is very slim. All good things. But again he is my BABY! Since I am very aware that it is difficult to get him to take medicine, rest and sit still when he is sick. I have resorted to bribery. What does he get if he follows directions, well we promised to take him to see G-Force a movie he has been dieing to see. I know bad mom, I should just expect my 4 yr old to understand that he must take the medicine and he must rest without any reward. Well I will be that bad mom all day if it makes it easier on myself. I admit it I am selfish, I look for what will make things easier for me. But this boy I love he is more than half my size already and so therefore fighting with him is next to IMPOSSIBLE.
Besides when my bribery makes him this happy it is worth it.
So the countdown begins, 4 days until surgery. I will spend this week, worrying in secret, making jell-o and reminding my son of the rewards of taking gross medicine. And by rewards I do mean my bribery, which I may even go to the store, buy some toys to hide and use them as added incentive. Don't judge me. I need all the tools in my arsenal I can get.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
An uncomfortable situation
Before I met my husband I was proudly super independant. I am talking, shopping, movies, dinner by myself independant. I didn't mind doing anything and everything alone. As a matter of fact at the time that I met him I had really begun to feel so comfortable with being alone that I wondered if I would ever want to be in a relationship again. I had made a plan for my life if I never met that person who would make me want to share my life. Then entered my husband. No joke the first time I saw him I knew that if we were to get together he was the man I was going to marry. Perhaps it was love at first sight or God whispering in my ear "There is your husband, the man you have been praying for" Either way he was not what I had expected. He turned out to be everything that I never knew I always wanted. We have built an amazing life together. It is not filled with money or material things, but with riches of a far more important and lasting kind. We have hit bumps, pot holes, and the occassional brick wall and have figured it all out together. I love our life with our son, our relationship with each other and all that we have built. I guess seeing him wheeled away from me made me realize that I don't know how it all works without him. I mean if you take the transmission out of car it doesn't exactly continue to go.
I know that God has blessed me with more strength than I know I have. That being said, I am not sure how it would ever be ok. I am not trying to be morbid. I know that he will be ok. I know that I put him in God's hands and I believe that God will bring him back to me. But this is the first time in our 5 yrs together that anything close to a thought of him not being here has ever entered my mind. He rode a motorcycle as his primary transportation for 3 yrs and even then I was not as apprehensive as I am now. I know that it is all going to be ok, in my mind. But my heart is having trouble catching up.
I know the whole soulmate idea is antiquated and weird. But he is my soulmate, he makes me feel whole and complete. He is my perfect complement. He is my equal and the other side of my personality. We are so different but we fit together perfectly. He is the best husband and father I could have asked or prayed for. He is just what God knew I needed, much more than what I wanted.
Ok so I am sick of myself and my pity party! I know he is going to be ok and since I can't stand my whining anymore I am going to let it go. I am going to sit back play a mindless game, read or just watch CNN on the TV in the waiting room. Ok so I am not going to watch CNN because they are talking AGAIN about Michael Jackson's memorial and I am sick of hearing it. So anyway I will be back my blog buddies a little later to update all of you on the success of the
So the surgery went great. The Dr removed both cysts one the size of a marble and the other the size of a grape. KD came through with flying colors. No trouble with anesthesia but we did discover that he is allergic to Ancef. After the Dr came out and told me that everything went well, I breathed a huge sigh of relief. Then my darling husband decided to take advantage of the ability to sleep and had me worrying yet again in the lobby when an hour had passed and they had not come to get me to go back with him. Finally I checked with the receptionist and was informed that my husband had been transformed into Sleeping Beauty. Again I relaxed and a few minutes later they came out to get me. Home we went after stopping to grab some take out. Then I spent the rest of the night trying to keep him resting, a losing battle. But today his hand is sore and maybe next time he will listen to me. Probably not but at least I can say, "Remember when you had surgery and didn't listen to me" I take the victories where I can get them!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Writers Workshop: My paranoia in overdrive
This weeks prompt was chosen based on the hilarity I read on her blog.
4.) Relay an interesting conversation you recently had with someone that may or may not involve creating a Loch Ness Monster Theme Park.
Hubby: My senior (asst coach at work) is driving to Washington State in his truck with his 5th Wheel
Me: Yuck - that is a really long drive.
Hubby: Yeah it is
Me: I think my mom was saying something about her and B going on the bike to Seattle
Hubby: On the bike?
Me: Yeah if they get a Goldwing, but that would be a really long trip
Hubby: That is a crazy long trip on a motorcycle - thats a long time sitting on your a$$
Me: I know I could never do that, I need to sleep on long trips
Hubby: You could sleep on a Goldwing
Me: No I couldn't my paranoia would kick in to overdrive. I would be thinking what if I lean too far and he takes a turn to fast I will fill off, what if I slip off the seat, what if doesn't know I am asleep and something happens that I fly out cause I wasn't paying attention
Hubby: On a Goldwing you have arm rests, you are pretty caged in
Me: Still no way, my paranoia would be in overdrive I'm telling you. I barely ride in a car long distances
Hubby: I wouldn't mind that trip on a bike but I don't know about having someone on the back - but I guess it would be ok for people like your mom and B who can take 3 weeks off to take there time to get there.
Me: Yeah no way I would never go that far on a motorcycle - like I said I barely go long distances in a car, I would much rather get on a plane get there fast and rent a car when I get there. That is much better than being on the road for long periods of time where anything can happen.
Hubby: Well when we go to Seattle I will take the bike and you can fly and meet me there

Me: You don't have a bike anymore
Hubby: By the time we can go to Seattle I will have one - that is an expensive trip
Me: We could go in the next couple of years - we just have to save up
Hubby: I will have a bike by then, I will ride and you can meet me.
Me: No then I don't want to go - what would be the point of that? The first time we go to Seattle I want to go just us and not take the Monkey
Hubby: So you can meet me there
Me: NO what would be the point - we are going on vacation TOGETHER, you would have to leave 2 or 3 days before me and then I would have to fly out later.
Hubby: So you can go ahead of me and scope out all the fun things to do when I get there
Me: No I don't think so!
Hubby: I am just kidding - I Love You Much!
Ok so I am gonna do this one too:
5.) Show us something you made!
I made this for my cousin's bachelorette party
Ok I liked this one too:
1.) Mother's guilt...tell us what happened.
Dear Monkey,
I would like to apologize to you in advance, as your mother there are going to be times when I will have to do things that you don't like. As your mother I may or may not feel guilty, most likely I won't but here is what I am sorry for:
I am sorry for telling you NO when you want every toy that you see on the store shelves or heard about on a commercial.
I am sorry that you don't have 'Bend-Its' or the Transformers helmet.
I am sorry that as long as something is in my house and under my roof I can take it away regardless of who paid for it.
I am sorry that I don't let you have soda or candy.
I am sorry that you have you have to speak to me, your dad, and all other adults with respect.
I am sorry that you have to address all adults with Ms or Mr even if it is before their first name
I am sorry that you have to keep your room clean and help keep the house clean
I am sorry that you will have a curfew and it will be enforced
I am sorry you have chores
I am sorry that you are expected to act appropriately in all situations
I am sorry that you do not have everything that your friends have
I am sorry that you will have to do your school reports and projects all on your own
I am sorry that you will not have a computer in your room
I am sorry that we have a hacker proof security system on our computer, so you won't be on it without supervision
I am sorry that you have to spend time with your family
I am sorry that you have to eat dinner with us too
I am sorry I do not run a restaurant and you have to eat the dinner I cooked or nothing at all
You are only 4 now so I am sure that this list will grow ever longer. But I am your mom, and it is my responsibility to do my best to raise you to be a productive, responsible member of society. It is my responsibility to prepare you for the world. I know that along the way you may hate me, but thats ok, I love you anyway. I am your mom I will always be here for you even when you don't want me to.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
A Four Year Old Movie Critic - Writers Workshop
Since we saw Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen today, I thought that I would get my son's thoughts on the movie. He is a HUGE fan of Transformers and has been anxiously awaiting the latest installment. Added to the excitement is the fact that his Godfather, who is in the Air Force stationed at White Sands, got to be in the movie as part of the military forces. So here is his review.
*SPOILER ALERT* Now I will try to ask questions that will not give away too much, but he is 4 after all and I have no control over his answers.
Me: Did you enjoy Transformers today:
Monkey: I liked it a lot Bumblebee was funny when he popped out Devastator's eye.
Me: Who is your favorite Autobots or Decepticons?
Monkey: I like all the Autobots, I like Sideswipe
Me: Who was your favorite character in this movie?
Monkey: The two small twins - I liked when they fought over which color they wanted "I want green, I want red" (There was some hand gestures to illustrate the fight)
Me: What was your favorite part?
Monkey: When Optimus said "Give me your head!" I liked that part. I liked when the twins were fighting over the colors (see above question)
Me: Who do you like better Sam or Michaela?
Monkey: I like Michaela cause she has that motorcycle
Me: Did you see your Nino (godfather)?
Monkey: No I didn't see him - I think he is at home
Me: No silly did you see him in the movie?
Monkey: Oh, no I didn't see him, where was he?
Me: If you were a Transformer what car would you be?
Monkey: That red one - One of the twins - I really like that car - I like that they have the doors sticking out when they Transform like Bumblebee
Me: Do you think other people should see Transformers?
Monkey: Yes, because they are fans of it
Me: Would you go see it again?
Monkey: Yes I would
Me: How many times would you like to see it?
Monkey: 40, 50, 80, 90 - Is that a lot?
Me: Anything else you want to say about the movie?
Monkey: I don't know - The twins are funny and Bumblebee threw them out of the tunnel, and Bumblebee shoots, I like Sideswipe's gun. He (Sideswipe) has awesome swords, just like Optimus, I like them.
Me: How many stars would you give this movie (I tried thumbs up, he was confused, stars he understands)
Monkey: 45, 60, 90 - Is that a lot? Can you type that much? ( I am guessing I should have given him a scale like 1-5 or 1-10)
I hope you enjoyed this review from a 4 year old critic. It was certainly interesting getting it. I know you are all going to run out and see the movie just based on his recommendation. ;)
Thursday, May 28, 2009
If You're Happy and You Know It...
The prompt I chose this week: 5.) List ten things that make you HAPPY.
I chose this prompt because last week I took a trip down the dark side with my 10 things I am sick of post. So this week I will take some time to be grateful. And I was very tired last night so this post ends up being a day late but I did start it yesterday. :)
1. My son: He can also drive me up the wall, but no one on earth can make me as happy as he does. There are no words to describe the feeling of having him run up to me throw his arms around my neck and tell me "I Love You Mommy". It is amazing to start my day with my precious boy telling me "Good Morning Sweetie Pie" and to end it with him curling up on the couch next to me and falling asleep. He is my biggest achievement, and the greatest blessing in my life.
2. Quiet moments after my son is asleep and before hubby gets home from work or before they both get up in the morning.
3. The smell of alfalfa after it rains
4. Text messages from friends that remind just why they are my friends and make me grateful to have them in my life.
5. Writing, whether it is on this blog, twitter, facebook or just in my journal. I often find myself feeling more cheerful after I have exercised my brain
6. Cooking, when I am stressed or having a bad day I cook. I don't know why but cooking seems to calm me.
7. Spending time with my family, especially when I can get them all together in the same place.
8. The curiosity of a 4 year old boy. The way he gobbles up knowledge and asks so many questions.
9. The way my husband so gently guides me to bed when I have fallen asleep on the couch, and tucks me in.
10. My Kitchenaid stand mixer. It is the best gift I think my mom has ever given me. I LOVE it! It just makes cooking, and baking so much easier and more fun!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Out of the nest and into the world
Plinky Prompt: To the Class of 2009 - a high school commencement speech.
This is the beginning of an amazing chapter in your life. From this moment on you get to define you. This is when you begin to write your own story. The next few years in your life will be a time of challenge, discovery, and exploration. You will find out who you are and what you are made. You will discover what you truly want for your life. You will fall, and get up again and again. You will find out who your friends are and realize that your parents were right about a lot more than you ever dreamed possible. You will be rewarded for your hard work and will you pay the consequences for your bad decisions. You will grow more now than you ever have. You are now working without a net. But don't let that stop you. Go out and try everything. Be open to new experiences. Fail spectacularly, then get up and try again. Start your bucket list NOW. This is the time to do all the things you have always wanted. Now while you are free, before life catches up with you. As you age your list will change, do as much as you can before you become practical. Your parents have done everything to give you roots, now is your time to spread your wings and fly. So today as you graduate you are being pushed out of the nest. Congratulations, and learn how to fly on the way down.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Out of the ashes, the Phoenix will rise again...

I have always been intrigued by the Phoenix, there is something inspiring about a creature that NEVER gives up. This got me thinking, what exactly was I inspired by, and how can I apply that to my life. What inspires me is not that the Phoenix is always knocked down or fails, it is that it always gets back up, it is the amazing perseverance she possesses (I have decided my Phoenix is female). She doesn't complain, doesn't have a pity party about how rough her life is, she doesn't whine about how other creatures she knows don't have to go through this, she simply gets up. When she fails she tries again, she continues on, she simply does what has to be done. She is not plagued with fear, she just rises again and again. She is not worried about what other creatures think of her, are saying about her or whether or not they like her. She does what she can, and that is enough. She doesn't worry about what she is wearing, how her hair looks, or the car that she is driving. Does a Phoenix drive? Regardless she is not concerned by any of the things we allow to hold us back, to stop us, to keep us from moving forward. She just gets up everyday and does what she must, to keep going, to move forward, to progress. She succeeds everyday because she tries. The difference between her and us is that for her, failure is an option, but it doesn't stop her from trying to succeed. I think we have brain washed ourselves into believing the slogan "Failure is not an option". Failure is not a bad thing, failure should be an option, we learn from failure. But failure should not be an impenetrable brick wall. Failure should motivate us, it should inspire us, and direct us down a better path. We should rise from our failures, like the Phoenix, and continue on. We need to stop telling ourselves that when we fail, we have reached a point of no return. Our new mantra should be "Failure is optional". You don't have to fail to succeed, but you can succeed after you fail. When we give ourselves the option of not being successful at everything we do all of the time, we free ourselves to be open to true greatness. We free ourselves of guilt, and anxiety. You see if we are allowed to fail, if we recognize failure as a necessary part of success, we will have more opportunities to succeed. Our successes will be more meaningful. So starting today, I am going to allow myself to fail, so that I will be better prepared for success. The new mantra "Failure is Optional" I encourage you to go out and fail today, and when you do remember the Phoenix, then be prepared for your ultimate success.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Make a list and let it go.....
The prompt I chose this week: List ten things you are currently sick of.
1. People who harm and murder children: Last week a little boy was found buried in a local park. Until yesterday no one had any idea who he could be. A composite sketch that was created by artists with the Center for Missing and Exploited Children after its release yesterday a tip was called in about a woman and her son who had not been seen since last Tuesday. Turns out this woman was the mother of the boy. She admitted to suffocating him, reviving him, then suffocating and burying him in the park. Her reason, that she did not want him to grow up with no one carrying about him like she had. The boy was 3 1/2 years old. As a mom, a woman, a human being this makes me physically ill. Not only did she murder her own child, but she buried him in a playground where another child could have found him. Thank God it was a mother and not a child who found the boys body.
2. Chatty Customer Service Reps: When I call in to a company for customer service, I am not interested in making a new best friend. I want my problem fixed in the quickest most efficient manner. I do not want the rep chatting with me about anything other than what my particular issue is. I don't have time to shoot the breeze, I have too many other things to do and the fact that I have to take time out of my day and life to call is bad enough without being bombarded with questions by a rep who is trying to be my "buddy" instead of just getting to the point and fixing my problem. I don't know who told companies that customers want a "Chatty Cathy" on the phone. For future reference here is what I want in my customer service rep; I want some who is courteous, shows genuine concern for my time not the canned "i'm sorry" line, (show me you are sorry and you have empathy by being efficient and getting me off the phone in the quickest time possible), education, teach me how to fix the problem in the future or give me additional steps to try or other resources so that I may not have to call in again, GET ME OFF THE PHONE, I want efficiency, this comes from being knowledgable. If you have to fill the down time, talk to me about services or tips and tricks that are relevant to ME. Finally stopping thinking customer service comes in one form. I will take a knowledgeable rep that fixes my problem quickly without making small talk over a chatty rep who keeps me on the phone forever ANY DAY!
3. People who look at me like I am crazy for speaking ENGLISH: Don't get me wrong I am all for immigration, and I understand that learning a new language can be difficult. I have no problem with offering translators, translated forms, or bilingual customer service. However when I go to a restaurant, store or any other business in the USA and speak English to the employees I do not expect to be treated like I am from another planet. I do not want to be looked at like I am the one in the wrong. I have no problem being patient with someone whose English is not good, or who is just learning or genuinely trying, my problem is with those who refuse to learn the language of the country they live and work in. I would not move to Germany and expect for everyone to speak English to me. I would expect that I will have to learn German.
4. Laziness: I keep saying that I am going to give my house a good cleaning - but I get it "picked up" and then don't finish. I decide there are other things I also need to do. That as long as it is "picked up" I am doing pretty good. But I need to get rid of a bunch of stuff, and I have got to actually do it! Maybe I should put an appointment into my BlackBerry and then I will finally get it done.
5. The notion that torture prevents future terrorrism: Remember the Golden Rule that we all learned when we were in Kindergarten - Do unto others as you would have them do to you. If we want to foster an environment in which diplomacy, conversation and open debate not violence is the first option we cannot ourselves use violence as a resource. All that torture prevents, is us from making peace with our "enemies". It prevents us from having any credibility in the world arena. We must hold ourselves to the same standards as we hold others. We must be a shining example for the humane treatment of all. By torturing anyone we become exactly what the terrorists believe we are - bullies. We are the greatest country in the world and we should conduct ourselves as such.
6. Companies stuck in the DARK AGE: How is that in 2009, there are still companies that require you deal with them via snail mail? Why can't I submit a request over the internet, or at the very least over the phone? It is completely inefficient to run your business this way.
7. Preschool: Now my problem isn't with all preschools, just the one we were sending my son to. I have been a SAHM since my son was born and last summer I decided he needed to be around other children. So I enrolled him in preschool for half a day. At first he had a wonderful teacher she was so sweet, and you could tell she loved her job. She was really good at it too. But she was reassigned and then left the school. Since then my son has come home with injuries noone can explain, picked up habits that I cannot stand, and seems to never "listen" to them. Finally on Monday I get a call that my son told his teacher "Guess what we are having, we are having sex" Now he had no idea what he was talking about, and only told the teacher that because another child told him not to. When the assistant director calls me to tell me this incident, my son is crying and she tells me that another child had been talking to my son about sex the week before, something that I never knew. I was a preschool teacher, I know the rules, I know how hard it can be, but this is total lack of supervision. My solution, I am taking my child out of the school. My husband and I will keep him busy for the summer and in the fall he starts Pre-K so he would have left his current school anyway.
8. People who exploit God, Jesus & religion for profit and to excuse bad behavior: As I write this I am sitting here watching a Nightline report on kids in the Congo who are being accused of witchcraft and then tortured as a form of exorcism. They are burned, beaten, starved and accused of causing all the problems in their families. After they are "exorcised" for $50, approximately half the average annual income, they are often banished from their families and forced out on the streets. The government is doing nothing about it, and the "Pastors" believe it is a gift from the Holy Spirit to do what they are doing calling it "healing". The other night I saw a report about a young man who is a pastor and travels the country preaching, and healing. Now my problem is not that he is a child who is a pastor, or that he is preaching, who am I to say whether or not he is called by God. I can't and won't. My problem is with his father who sees him as a "cash cow". He made reference to how much money Joel Osteen makes a year and says his son can make at least that much, and that it is his job to make sure that he does. I pray that God is with these children as they are being exploited in his name. I pray that he will watch over and protect them from the hipocrisy of the adults around them.
9. Parents who think it is everyone elses' resposibility to raise and watch over their children: It is not up to Myspace to make sure pedofiles are not talking to your teenager or that they are not uploading provactive pictures or other inappropriate activities - its your job to know when and where your child is on the internet and what they are doing. It is not the video game manufacturers responsibility to make sure that games do not influence your children - it is your responsibility to know what the games are before you buy them. As a parent it is your responsibility to make yourself aware of the technology in your home or that your child has access to. We need to get rid of the notion that we are supposed to be our kids friends. WE ARE THEIR PARENTS! When my son is an adult, then we can be friends, until then I am his mom period. Although he is only 4, I make sure that he is very aware of the rules. That will not change as he gets older. I am careful about what he is exposed to, and he knows exactly what he cannot watch, listen to, play with even that he cannot have soda. And he will tell you. My husband and I have a plan for what is appropriate for him and at what ages, how we will monitor, and how we will safeguard him. We are very aware that he may not like it, that he make think we are crazy or pull the whole - "but so-and-so's parents" on us. Thats ok, we expect it, and it won't change what we do or how we do it. Ultimately it is up to us, he is our son and our responsibility.
10. That I could not come up with a 10th item. I guess I only have 9 dislikes right now. Maybe it is the migraine that is plaguing me tonight, I am not sure but in any case this brings this weeks Writers Workshop to a close. Hope you enjoyed.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Memorial Day
This holiday is a day to remember all those who have sacrificed to create, defend, and protect our country. We remember our heroes. We remember all those that have worked in quiet anonymity to ensure our safety and to provide us with all of the rights and privileges, that we too often take for granted. It is a time to stop and thank those people in your life who served in the armed forces, for their contribution. It is a time to remember those that have lost their lives for our freedoms. It is a time to offer a prayer for all those who have been injured. It is a time to stop and thank the families of our service members.
My life has been blessed by many members of the armed forces, both friends and family, serving in every branch of the military. I am grateful everyday for their contributions, and that they were returned home after completing their service without serious injury or death. But as I give thanks for my blessings I am aware of the harsh reality that not all families are as fortunate.
This Memorial Day, I am asking all of my friends & family to visit and donate $5.25 to support all our returning service men and women. Their goal is to raise $1.65 million by Memorial Day - that is $1 for every soldier who has served since 9/11. Tweet to ReMIND was created by the Bob Woodruff Foundation's which is helping our service men and women get the support they need to reintegrate when they return home.
Please take a moment to remember our heroes - and the heroes in your life. Then head over to and give $5.25 as a thank you gift. Help me help Tweet to ReMIND reach their goal. If you Twitter please follow TweettoReMind, ReTweet and share their message with your family & friends.
My heroes:
Eddie - my Grandfather who served in the Navy, was at Pearl Harbor and fought in WWII. He is the greatest man I have ever known and my son is his namesake.
Vincent - my son's Godfather who enlisted in the Air Force despite the fact that we are a country at war.
Shawn - my cousin-in-law that left his family this past Sunday to be deployed to Afghanistan with his National Guard unit.
All of the other members of my family and all of my friends who have served and are still serving. I am grateful for your courage and commitment.
All of the men and women who have and are serving our country and their families. You have my eternal gratitude and are remember in my prayers.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Writer's Workshop: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly...
This weeks prompt: 1.) Define anger using pictures you've take

Goodness - This angelic baby has no malice, no hate, no prejudices. He does not have any expectations. He has never been here before. Everything that we do and the way we do it is just perfect in his mind because he knows no better. He loves without condition, he believes without proof, and he changes by his presence. The day he was born was the day that my faith was no longer blind, I had concrete proof of God's goodness in my arms.

Anger - I was helpless, and this made me angry. I had to sit there as I was told that my barely 2 month old son was being admitted to the hospital. I had to sit there as they took him away for tests and to put in his IV. I had to sit there when the nurse came in, in the middle of the night and told me she was giving my baby ibuprofen because they couldn't get his fever down. I had to sit there for 5 days as the poked prodded, reinserted his IV, and finally diagnosed my son with urinary tract reflux. I am his mother and all I could do was sit. I couldn't fix him, I couldn't take the pain or the sickness away. All I could do was sit and pray and hope.

Sorrow - It devastates me that my son will not get to know this amazing woman, his grandmother. I am sadder still that he will not remember the time he spent with her. She was the best mother-in-law anyone could have ever asked for. She had a strength that simply amazed me. It brings me sorrow that a disease like MS exists, and that it took one of the most amazing women I have ever known, way too soon.

Laughter - I had to end with laughter. This picture was taken 4 yrs ago, but it makes me giggle every time. This boy has brought more laughter into my life than I could have ever imagined. From the silly faces he made as an infant, to funny things he did as a toddler. Now as a "big boy" of 4 he continues to make me laugh. Just today he told me that he was the one who made ALL of the dinosaur movies. He made what was on the screen and he wrote all of the notes. He was playing with my tripod, and was even giving orders to his imaginary film crew. Not to mention that today was "Crazy Western Day" - this was something he did at preschool, but they way he said it was like the announcer of an old variety show. I laugh more now that he is in my life than I did my whole life before him. So although this picture may be old, it is a snapshot of my son's personality.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
If I can't work, I might as well blog....
So what is new my world hmmm.......
The Monkey has begun to act out at school. I don't know how much is bad behavior on his part, and how much is reaction to bad behavior by others. For example yesterday he got into trouble for biting another little boy, who was trapping the Monkey in the bathroom and would not let him out. As an adult, if I was being trapped by someone in the bathroom, there is no telling what I might do to be able to get out. Obviously the rational part of me would hope that using my words would solve the problem but the irrational claustrophobic part of me thinks I might just bite someone if I had to. My question is where was the teacher while my son was being trapped in the bathroom by this other child, why was she only alert enough to know that he had bitten someone instead of to nip the situation in the bud before it got to that point?! So we had a good long talk with the Monkey regarding being in situations where the teacher is nowhere in sight. New rule: say the word HELP as loud as you can as many times as it takes for someone to come help you. I am not sure why he bit this child, he doesn't bite at home and is an only child, however he has been bitten before at school. Again I question the supervision and we have begun to think that maybe we should move him from the school he is in. In the fall he will be in pre-k anyway and maybe removing him from this environment for the summer might be best. But he needs to be engaged, and be around other children so I now have to become a detective to find summer programs for a 4 yr old. Preferrably with the appropriate supervision.
We are planning to move from our current location to other side of town to be close to my parents. We want more space, and now that the Monkey is in school, and I can work part time while he is not home, we can actually afford it. The problem is we now have to look. UGH so not fun! Hopefully it will be a quick and relatively painless process. Plus being by my parents means that when I am not feeling good, the Monkey is not stuck with a grouchy mama. He can go to Grandma's or Grandpa's and I can rest, he can play and be loud, everyone wins.
Hubby is doing very well at work! This is great because he gets better bonuses, and he is much happier. The change of supervisors has done wonders for him. He is finally showing his true skill, and he has a supervisor that recognizes it. He has been asked to train and work with other team members. I am so proud of him.
I have gotten a little off of the Weight Watchers wagon, but I am going to get back on because I want to wear shorts and be comfortable this summer. I am also gonna get back to working out. I was feeling much better when I was working out consistently, so I want to get back on that. I only stopped because I got a nasty cold and being an asthmatic any cold tends to attach itself to my lungs making it hard to breath and extending my recuperation time. But finally all better now and getting back on the good foot.
I think I am slowly beginning to accept that I just might have to see the fertility specialist. After 3 years of trying with no success, it might just be time. However I am trying metformin, and I want to give that a few months before I make any decisions. I also plan to pursue acupuncture when our flexible spending account starts over on June 1st. I would prefer to not chemically alter my body without trying other alternatives. At the same time, it no longer devastates me. That is growth.
I am fast approaching a milestone birthday, no I will not tell you which one. For the first time I feel a little sensitive about my age. Ok I will say it I am going to be 30. As such I have begun to reflect on just how far I have come. There are still some things I need to work on, but I am proud that I am a completely different person than I was at 21 or even 25. I like the person I am becoming. I like that although I feel sensitive about my age, I have begun to feel completely comfortable in my own skin. That is power. When you know who you are, you like yourself, and you don't care if anyone else does, the world is a much brighter place.
So I guess that is it for my update. I feel like I accomplished something and now I must go to sleep.
Have a good night all those out in blogger land
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Some things you never forget....
The prompt I chose: Why won't you forget? List six true sentences that begin with the words 'I'll never forget...' Then use all six of your sentences in a paragraph, poem, or longer descriptive piece.
I will never forget the day I knew you would come, 2 purple lines can really change someone.
I will never forget when you became real, galloping horses playing in my ear.
I will never forget the first time you touched me, gentle and swift like a sweet little breeze.
I will never forget the first time you scared me, too early to come stay in little one.
I will never forget the day you entered my life, black hair and eyes bathed in heaven's white light.
I will never forget when you first called my name, nothing so sweet as 'Momma' from the mouth of a babe
I will never forget your sweet angel face, God's precious gift, proof of his grace.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Writers Workshop: SAHM Job Description
What isn't my role? I am a mostly SAHM, I work while my son is at preschool. But onto my role IN the house.....
Wife, Mother, Chef, Accountant, Housekeeper, Laundry Specialist, Stain Remover General, Story Teller, Psychologist, Nurse, Doctor, Technical Support, Event Organizer, Teacher, Warden, Massage Therapist, Boo Boo kisser, Private Investigator, Finder Of All Things Lost, Fixer of Broken Toys, Fixer of Broken Ego's, Etiquette Coach, Motivational Speaker, Translator, Disciplinarian, Negotiator, Baker, Taste Tester, Discount Finder, Coupon Clipper, Meal Planner, Craft Queen, Frog Keeper, Personal Trainer, Personal Assistant, Movie Critic, DVD Repair Specialist, Replacer of Batteries, Replacer of Light Bulbs, Shoe Lace Tieing Master, TV Guard, Family Memory Keeper, List Maker, not to mention, Lover, Friend, and Photographer.
I think I got it all, but you never know, there are likely tons of things that I do that I can't find or create a name for. I wouldn't trade a second of it or a single job for any other life. There is nothing better than being all of these things to my husband and son. It was fun to think of everything I do, maybe I should show this list to my husband the next time he tells me I don't need a new pair of shoes.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Can the IPod be the answer for world peace?
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Thankful Tuesday
This week's assignment "Life Lessons" I am gonna shoot for 10 as assigned but I don't know if I will get there, here goes.
1. Amazing surprises and happy accidents - My son was an amazing surprise and the best kind of happy accident. My husband (who was my boyfriend at the time) and I were doing everything possible to not have a baby, so the positive pregnancy test was definitely a shocker. I only took a pregnancy test because I wanted to officially rule it out before I made a Dr appt. I remember thinking why isn't that line going away, and how come it popped up right away. I don't think I actually believed it until after my best friend and a blood test had confirmed it. Now I can't imagine my life with out my crazy monkey. I don't know what I did with myself before I became a mom. I know I had a lot of adventure before, but none of it seems to compare to the adventure of being his mom. I have learned more about myself than I think I learned in the 25 yrs before I was blessed with him.
2. Bad reactions to happy news - When I told my husband (again my boyfriend at the time) that I was pregnant he was not happy to say the least. We had talked about children and he had always said that he did not think he ever wanted to have children. His reaction was not a good one and we spoke very little for the next 3 months. But we worked things out. I know with out a doubt that my husband is with me because he loves me. I know we are together because we want to be, because we love each other and no other reason. Also going through that and coming out the other side, I can't think of anything that could come between us. That kind of security is amazing.
3. 2 month old w/103.3 temp, incompetent Dr & 5 day hospital stay - When my monkey was 2 months old he spiked a temperature of 103.3. I got him to the Dr, unfortunately his pediatrician was off and we had to see another Dr in the practice. She gave him some Tylenol, his temp went down to 101.8 and she sent us home. She instructed us to call if his temperature went back up. Sure enough about 2 hrs after getting home his temp was back up to 102.3. I called the on call and was sent to the pediatric urgent care. The amazing Dr on duty admitted us just knowing that my son had had such a temp earlier. That night his temp sky rocketed to 103.7 under his arm, and Tylenol wasn't working. Thankfully being in the hospital the nurse was able to catch the spike, and give him Motrin. We found out that he had urinary tract reflux, a condition that has had to be monitored ever since. But I learned not to question my instincts, to fight when I know something is wrong with my son, and that mommy really does know best. I also learned that I can simply say no way when my regular pediatrician is out and I am offered the incompetent Dr that sent us home.
4. Cancer, Heart Disease, and MS - I'll start with cancer. Cancer taught me the meaning of family, strength, purpose, and loss. When my grandfather was diagnosed with cancer, I was devastated. He was my hero, my everything, and the thought of him not being there had never occurred to my 9 yr old self. My family rallied around him helping my Grandma care for him. He was so strong, he continued on when I know there had to be days he wanted to give up. He was a farmer, that was his joy and purpose in his life. When we learned the cancer had spread and he didn't have much time left, he suddenly got better. He planted, tended and harvested his field, then he went to bed and didn't get up again. When he died I thought that I had to be strong, even though inside I was dieing. I had never lost anyone before. It was the toughest lesson I have ever learned. Heart disease, my grandmother suffered from heart disease for many years. As long as I can remember. I learned to eat healthier, to watch what I was eating and what to avoid. I learned to be vigilant about my heart and health. I learned to fight for my own health and the kindness of strangers. I also learned that it was ok to fall apart when she died and I didn't have to be strong for anyone. I learned how to lean on the people in my life. MS, my amazing mother in law was living with MS for many years before I even met her. In the short time I got to spend with her I learned that you can live with a chronic disease you don't have to suffer from it. I learned that getting up and going out to do what you have to is more mental than physical. If you tell your body you have to get up and go it will do as you command. She never called in to work, in fact when she had to have surgery and did not recover, she had 9 months of sick leave and 2 months of vacation built up. I learned to muscle through after all if she could get up and go to work day after day, a little cold shouldn't debilitate me for days.
5. Hospice - Hospice care is truly a God send for families dealing with a family member approaching the end of their life. The people who work for hospice are angels walking among us. They are there not only to care for your family member but the whole family.
6. The Ex - If he had not been who he was, I would not be who I am now. I thought that he would be the rest of my life. We tried to have a baby, and never could. We talked about getting married but never even got engaged. We planned to move in together but never quite got it together. He did not treat me well, I didn't see it at the time. I think we were toxic to each other. I became a person I did not know, recognize or like. But when it was over, and my heart had healed I realized exactly who I was. I knew what I wanted. I learned what I would not tolerate in a relationship, what I could live with out, and what I had to have. I learned to stand on my own two feet, and just be happy to be me. I appreciate my husband so much because I experienced what I did. Our wedding song says it all "God blessed the broken road that led me straight to you"
7. The people who have left - I believe that people are in your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime (I got that from an email or Chicken Soup for the Soul). I know that every person that has entered and left my life was there for either a reason or a season. Feeling the heart break that comes with losing a friend has made me appreciate even more the lifetimers in my life. I know that they will be there no matter what, they have proven that. I know that it doesn't matter if I talk to then everyday, once a month, or once a year when we do it is like no time has passed. That is the best kind of friendship.
8. Divorce - Odd as it seems, I am actually grateful that my parents divorced. They taught me the true meaning of respect, consideration, and doing what is best for your child. I never knew how they felt about each other, it wasn't relevant to my life. They never talked bad about each other to or in front of me. They could be together at school functions or what ever I needed them to be there for. If they hadn't divorced I might not have my sister. I wouldn't know my step-mom and her amazing family. I wouldn't know my mom's spousal equivalent and his wonderful family. My life would be less full without these people in my life.
9. Getting fired - I was recently fired from a job I was pretty miserable at. When it happened I was upset. I enjoyed being among adults after being a full time stay at home mom for 3 1/2 yrs. The hours were perfect, I worked while my son was at preschool. Then after losing the job, my mom's spousal equivalent, offered me a job as his assistant. It is even more perfect than I could have dreamed. I work from home 2 days a week, go to the office 3 days, the hours and pay are great, and I have a wonderful and flexible boss.
10. Failing to be June Cleaver - When I made the decision to stay home with my son, I thought that my house would always be clean, the laundry would always be done, I would cook gourmet meals, and teach my son everything under the son. All of this while looking beautiful, and being completely stress free. Well I quickly learned that beauty would be traded for an extra few minutes of sleep, or time with my husband. The clean house and laundry would be replaced by playing with my son, watching him sleep, or being amazed at his development. Gourmet meals would be exchanged for what ever I could cook in 30 min (thank you Rachael Ray). I think the only goal I had set for myself was to teach my son. I try to find lessons in all that we do. What has mommy learned? I have learned that being a stay at home mom is the hardest most demanding and amazingly rewarding job I will never get paid for. I have learned that if my son is clean, clothed, fed and happy at the end of the day I succeeded. The house will get clean, the laundry will get done, but I will never get back any of the moments with my son I traded to do get them done. Perfection is relative and as long as my son is happy, the rest doesn't even compare.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
I like my head too much...
I found this quote and had to chuckle a little bit. It reminded me of my husband. He is not the jewelry buying kind. I don't mind at all because I am not really the jewelry wearing kind. I was born raised and still live in New Mexico, I prefer silver to gold. I would rather have a nice piece of handmade Native American jewelry from a local artist than something shiny from the mall jewelry store. My favorite piece of jewelry is my grandmother's wedding ring which is as simple as they come, my engagement ring is a simple solitaire and my wedding band is a white gold band. I love my Italian charm bracelet and am proud that it is almost full. Besides my engagement ring and wedding band the only other jewelry my husband has given me is 3 fun and funky rings, one was a butterfly for the first Mother's day after our son was born, a princess ring from Disneyland on our honeymoon, and a claddagh ring for our first anniversary. I loved them all, and wore them until they had just gotten too ugly to wear anymore. But I still have them in my jewelry box, I will never get rid of them. I like the idea of not wearing anything that is worth more than the body or part that it is attached to. So thanks Rita, I shall continue to keep my head and other parts by being "bling" free.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Things to do before I dance my last dance
I choose to believe that this is not just a test. These are the things I could think of right now, the list is constantly evolving and changing just like life.
Own a Corvette
Since I was a little girl my dream car has been a corvette. I don't know why but I LOVE them.
Visit Ireland
I have seen pictures of Ireland and it looks so beautiful. I want to kiss the Blarney Stone and have a Guiness in a real pub.
Visit Every State in the US
The inspiration for this is the refrigerator of a friend from high school. Her and her family had visited most of the 50 states and had collected magnets in the shape of the states which were displayed in correct geographical placement on their fridge. I thought that it was the coolest thing and since then have wanted to have a similar display.
See the Dallas Cowboys play in Dallas on Thanksgiving.
I am a HUGE Cowboys fan, and for as long as I can remember this has been a dream. The icing on the cake would be for it to snow!
See the Eiffel Tower
This item is for my mother in law. Sadly she passed away before she could go but we talked about going together. This one will be in her honor
Monday, March 23, 2009
The Couch potato sells itself
Have you ever bought anything that has its own infomercial (like the ShamWow® or Snuggie™)?
Potato Head - Couch Potato : ) by oddsock
The only things that I have purchased personally from an infomercial are:
Core Secrets - I liked it at the beginning but I didn't get anything like the results they advertised.
Bare Minerals - I LOVE my Bare Minerals, thankfully we now have a Sephora where I live and I can get my Minerals there.
However I have been given a couple of informercial items as gifts:
Craft Light Cutter - It is awesome I absolutely LOVE it makes scrapbooking easy and fun. It is significantly easier to use than the fancy edging scissors I bought.
Cricut - This is just the best thing I have ever gotten or seen on an infomercial. Just like my cutter it makes scrapbooking so much fun! But it has also come in handy to make the invitations for my sister's baby shower. I only wish I had gotten it sooner! I like it so much I now want to get the larger Cricut Expression!
Next item I want from an infomercial - the Titan Peeler!