This weeks prompt: 1.) Who made you red hot this week?
I have 3 things/people that made me RED HOT this week.
#1 Michael Vick:
Okay not actually Michael Vick, but the reaction of people to his reinstatement by the NFL. First let me start by saying I think what he did is despicable. I love animals as much as the next person, however HE DID HIS TIME! What he did was terrible, no he did not take responsibility right away, but he did go to jail. He was sentenced by a court of law and he did his time. If he had any other job people would not be demanding he not be allowed to serve their fries at McDonalds. He has the right to make a living, and the way he makes his living is to play football. Yes he is in the public eye and therefore many think he should be held to a higher standard, but he is just a man. He is no different than the rest of us. We have all done things we are not proud of. Probably not to this extent but come on now. Leave him alone! I know people who are so mad about his reinstatement that they are not going to watch the NFL at all. That seems silly to me. If you don't like him don't watch him play, why cut out football altogether? We as a society need to stop getting mad about the wrong things. Did he kill anyone? NO Did he in anyway endanger another human being? NO Yes he was cruel and irresponsible with animals, but as much as we love them, they are still animals. They deserve to be treated and cared for properly but we cannot equate the actions of a person against an animal to that of actions against a person. Why isn't there the same kind of outrage when our soldiers are killed fighting on foreign land? Lets all take a step back and think about what is really important. For every MJ and Michael Vick there are probably 5 soldiers or more whose name we will never know because we were too busy with our noses in the tabloid news. To everything its place and time, and lets give others the second chance we would want if ever we needed one.
#2 Parents who take small children to inappropriate movies:
HELLO.....Thats what the ratings for! So I listen to an awesome morning radio show. On Monday they were discussing a parent that took their small child to see 'The Orphan' Many listeners called and wrote talking about all of the other inappropriate movies they had seen parents take kids into. Now I have to ask, isn't that what the ratings system is for? I bet that this parent is the kind of parent that wants labels on everything so that they don't have to THINK! I mean come on now. What were you thinking? Did your 6 year old say I want to see that movie, and like a moron you just took her no questions asked? Or were you not able to get a sitter and decided to you HAD to see it opening weekend as if the movie would vanish if you didn't see it right away. I just don't understand. I am all for a parents right to do what they think is best for their own child, however when your child is in class telling my child about a movie they saw and now I have to explain why he can't see it, that makes me HOT! I mean the industry has already done everything it can to make things IDIOT PROOF. What more can they do? Police the movie theaters making sure parents are not being MORONS? Or maybe they have to make the rules more strict, instead of admitted with a parent should it be not admitted at all? Come one people get it together! Do what is best for your child, and what is best for them is not seeing 'The Orphan' or 'Bruno' Any questions see the chart above!
#3 The Monster that has taken over my child:
This boy make look sweet and innocent, but I assure you there is something sinister lying beneath the surface. Underneath all that sweetness lies a shrieking, whining, yelling, deaf, jumping off the couch, throwing everything in the trash when he gets mad MONSTER! I don't know what happened to my sweet boy. He is lost. In his place is this being I do not like much. He requires more attention than he did at 2. What is going on? Shouldn't it be getting easier? Shouldn't I be able to go to the bathroom without worrying about whether he has gotten a hold of my phone and called the police again. Yes he does call the police, I have a Blackberry that locks automatically when I put it in the holster, you can do nothing with it except make an emergency call. Now this feature I am sure is great in an emergency, but not so great when a monster has taken over your child and he calls the police on a regular basis. At least once a week I am explaining to a 911 operator that my son got my locked phone and called them by accident. I think we have become the family who cried wolf, my phone number is probably at every station in the 911 dispatch center so should I ever have a real emergency, I will be out of luck. I just want my sweet boy back, preferrably before I end up in the loony bin.
Ok so now I am done...What made you HOT this week?
I agree... I hate it when parents let their children watch movies that they should not see!! Cute blog: )
Oooooh, Number 3. Where can we drop these monsters off until they get it together? Is there a boot camp for preschoolers?
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