This weeks prompt was chosen based on the hilarity I read on her blog.
4.) Relay an interesting conversation you recently had with someone that may or may not involve creating a Loch Ness Monster Theme Park.
Hubby: My senior (asst coach at work) is driving to Washington State in his truck with his 5th Wheel
Me: Yuck - that is a really long drive.
Hubby: Yeah it is
Me: I think my mom was saying something about her and B going on the bike to Seattle
Hubby: On the bike?
Me: Yeah if they get a Goldwing, but that would be a really long trip
Hubby: That is a crazy long trip on a motorcycle - thats a long time sitting on your a$$
Me: I know I could never do that, I need to sleep on long trips
Hubby: You could sleep on a Goldwing
Me: No I couldn't my paranoia would kick in to overdrive. I would be thinking what if I lean too far and he takes a turn to fast I will fill off, what if I slip off the seat, what if doesn't know I am asleep and something happens that I fly out cause I wasn't paying attention
Hubby: On a Goldwing you have arm rests, you are pretty caged in
Me: Still no way, my paranoia would be in overdrive I'm telling you. I barely ride in a car long distances
Hubby: I wouldn't mind that trip on a bike but I don't know about having someone on the back - but I guess it would be ok for people like your mom and B who can take 3 weeks off to take there time to get there.
Me: Yeah no way I would never go that far on a motorcycle - like I said I barely go long distances in a car, I would much rather get on a plane get there fast and rent a car when I get there. That is much better than being on the road for long periods of time where anything can happen.
Hubby: Well when we go to Seattle I will take the bike and you can fly and meet me there

Me: You don't have a bike anymore
Hubby: By the time we can go to Seattle I will have one - that is an expensive trip
Me: We could go in the next couple of years - we just have to save up
Hubby: I will have a bike by then, I will ride and you can meet me.
Me: No then I don't want to go - what would be the point of that? The first time we go to Seattle I want to go just us and not take the Monkey
Hubby: So you can meet me there
Me: NO what would be the point - we are going on vacation TOGETHER, you would have to leave 2 or 3 days before me and then I would have to fly out later.
Hubby: So you can go ahead of me and scope out all the fun things to do when I get there
Me: No I don't think so!
Hubby: I am just kidding - I Love You Much!
Ok so I am gonna do this one too:
5.) Show us something you made!
I made this for my cousin's bachelorette party
Ok I liked this one too:
1.) Mother's guilt...tell us what happened.
Dear Monkey,
I would like to apologize to you in advance, as your mother there are going to be times when I will have to do things that you don't like. As your mother I may or may not feel guilty, most likely I won't but here is what I am sorry for:
I am sorry for telling you NO when you want every toy that you see on the store shelves or heard about on a commercial.
I am sorry that you don't have 'Bend-Its' or the Transformers helmet.
I am sorry that as long as something is in my house and under my roof I can take it away regardless of who paid for it.
I am sorry that I don't let you have soda or candy.
I am sorry that you have you have to speak to me, your dad, and all other adults with respect.
I am sorry that you have to address all adults with Ms or Mr even if it is before their first name
I am sorry that you have to keep your room clean and help keep the house clean
I am sorry that you will have a curfew and it will be enforced
I am sorry you have chores
I am sorry that you are expected to act appropriately in all situations
I am sorry that you do not have everything that your friends have
I am sorry that you will have to do your school reports and projects all on your own
I am sorry that you will not have a computer in your room
I am sorry that we have a hacker proof security system on our computer, so you won't be on it without supervision
I am sorry that you have to spend time with your family
I am sorry that you have to eat dinner with us too
I am sorry I do not run a restaurant and you have to eat the dinner I cooked or nothing at all
You are only 4 now so I am sure that this list will grow ever longer. But I am your mom, and it is my responsibility to do my best to raise you to be a productive, responsible member of society. It is my responsibility to prepare you for the world. I know that along the way you may hate me, but thats ok, I love you anyway. I am your mom I will always be here for you even when you don't want me to.
Great conversation with husband. Too funny how men think! That cake is awesome...great job! Stopping in from Writer's workshop!
My husband makes suggestions like that too...I just like to travel together. It seems pointless otherwise.
Oh and LOVE the cake...mmmmm...tastey. ;)
The cake rocks, its just fantastic, and I love the "chat" with your hubby, I just kept reading and reading lol...
LOL I could see D ridin the bike to Seattle, when we moved from Seattle I remember it taking forever to drive here (of course I was in 2nd grade so everything took forever! lol). I would love to go back to Seattle for a visit, we were thinking of it for our honeymoon but we can only go a couple days because Angels too little to be gone long so maybe next year.
I love the cake...can't wait for mine!!! hehe
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