This weeks prompt: 1.) Define anger using pictures you've take

Goodness - This angelic baby has no malice, no hate, no prejudices. He does not have any expectations. He has never been here before. Everything that we do and the way we do it is just perfect in his mind because he knows no better. He loves without condition, he believes without proof, and he changes by his presence. The day he was born was the day that my faith was no longer blind, I had concrete proof of God's goodness in my arms.

Anger - I was helpless, and this made me angry. I had to sit there as I was told that my barely 2 month old son was being admitted to the hospital. I had to sit there as they took him away for tests and to put in his IV. I had to sit there when the nurse came in, in the middle of the night and told me she was giving my baby ibuprofen because they couldn't get his fever down. I had to sit there for 5 days as the poked prodded, reinserted his IV, and finally diagnosed my son with urinary tract reflux. I am his mother and all I could do was sit. I couldn't fix him, I couldn't take the pain or the sickness away. All I could do was sit and pray and hope.

Sorrow - It devastates me that my son will not get to know this amazing woman, his grandmother. I am sadder still that he will not remember the time he spent with her. She was the best mother-in-law anyone could have ever asked for. She had a strength that simply amazed me. It brings me sorrow that a disease like MS exists, and that it took one of the most amazing women I have ever known, way too soon.

Laughter - I had to end with laughter. This picture was taken 4 yrs ago, but it makes me giggle every time. This boy has brought more laughter into my life than I could have ever imagined. From the silly faces he made as an infant, to funny things he did as a toddler. Now as a "big boy" of 4 he continues to make me laugh. Just today he told me that he was the one who made ALL of the dinosaur movies. He made what was on the screen and he wrote all of the notes. He was playing with my tripod, and was even giving orders to his imaginary film crew. Not to mention that today was "Crazy Western Day" - this was something he did at preschool, but they way he said it was like the announcer of an old variety show. I laugh more now that he is in my life than I did my whole life before him. So although this picture may be old, it is a snapshot of my son's personality.
over from mama kats and what a sweet post! I honestly felt like I was going through the emotions with you! I smile, got chills, teared up and laughed all in one post! Great job.
PS your son is adorable!
Your an awesome writer!!!
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