I have always been intrigued by the Phoenix, there is something inspiring about a creature that NEVER gives up. This got me thinking, what exactly was I inspired by, and how can I apply that to my life. What inspires me is not that the Phoenix is always knocked down or fails, it is that it always gets back up, it is the amazing perseverance she possesses (I have decided my Phoenix is female). She doesn't complain, doesn't have a pity party about how rough her life is, she doesn't whine about how other creatures she knows don't have to go through this, she simply gets up. When she fails she tries again, she continues on, she simply does what has to be done. She is not plagued with fear, she just rises again and again. She is not worried about what other creatures think of her, are saying about her or whether or not they like her. She does what she can, and that is enough. She doesn't worry about what she is wearing, how her hair looks, or the car that she is driving. Does a Phoenix drive? Regardless she is not concerned by any of the things we allow to hold us back, to stop us, to keep us from moving forward. She just gets up everyday and does what she must, to keep going, to move forward, to progress. She succeeds everyday because she tries. The difference between her and us is that for her, failure is an option, but it doesn't stop her from trying to succeed. I think we have brain washed ourselves into believing the slogan "Failure is not an option". Failure is not a bad thing, failure should be an option, we learn from failure. But failure should not be an impenetrable brick wall. Failure should motivate us, it should inspire us, and direct us down a better path. We should rise from our failures, like the Phoenix, and continue on. We need to stop telling ourselves that when we fail, we have reached a point of no return. Our new mantra should be "Failure is optional". You don't have to fail to succeed, but you can succeed after you fail. When we give ourselves the option of not being successful at everything we do all of the time, we free ourselves to be open to true greatness. We free ourselves of guilt, and anxiety. You see if we are allowed to fail, if we recognize failure as a necessary part of success, we will have more opportunities to succeed. Our successes will be more meaningful. So starting today, I am going to allow myself to fail, so that I will be better prepared for success. The new mantra "Failure is Optional" I encourage you to go out and fail today, and when you do remember the Phoenix, then be prepared for your ultimate success.
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