Thursday, April 23, 2009

Some things you never forget....

This week's Writers Workshop courtesy of Mama Kat

The prompt I chose: Why won't you forget? List six true sentences that begin with the words 'I'll never forget...' Then use all six of your sentences in a paragraph, poem, or longer descriptive piece.

I will never forget the day I knew you would come, 2 purple lines can really change someone.

I will never forget when you became real, galloping horses playing in my ear.

I will never forget the first time you touched me, gentle and swift like a sweet little breeze.

I will never forget the first time you scared me, too early to come stay in little one.

I will never forget the day you entered my life, black hair and eyes bathed in heaven's white light.

I will never forget when you first called my name, nothing so sweet as 'Momma' from the mouth of a babe

I will never forget your sweet angel face, God's precious gift, proof of his grace.

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