Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Man of My Dreams.....

Four years ago today I married the most amazing man. He is everything I never knew I always wanted. It seems silly to say that, because he is everything I ever could have asked for and more than I thought I deserved. I feel like the luckiest woman in the world.  I look back at the pictures from that day and I can feel the overwhelming joy. It truly is one of the happiest days of my life.

The Big Day (Our Wedding Day) 025


Our relationship hasn't been all roses, some of the thorns have been HUGE. We have been through so much in our 6 yrs together it seems like we have been together much longer, but in a good way. Its hard to see past him to what was before, it feels as though I began my life when he entered it. We have been through an unexpected pregnancy, premature labor, c-section, a sick baby who had to be hospitalized for urinary tract reflux. He has been by my side through post-partum depression, unexplained illness, crippling migraines, infertility and now Fibromyalgia. We held each other together while carrying for his ailing mother, and grieving her eventual passing. He held my hand and told me everything was going to be alright, when we faced a health scare with my own mom. We have backed each other up, helped each other's siblings, defended each other, encouraged each other, and brought each other back to Earth. Ok, that last part mostly applies to me. I admit I am "artistic" a poet. I am prone to wild flights of fancy. He grabs me by my ankles and sets me firmly on solid ground. It is something I never knew I needed. I do! He is a little shy, and a lot geeky/nerdy. But he has me to make him do crazy silly things. I remind him its ok to be silly, its ok to have fun and that sometimes you have the most fun when you make a complete fool out of yourself.


Our Honeymoom 032C

He is an amazing father. He truly enjoys being a dad.


He is my best friend, my partner, my counselor, my co-parent, my lover, my other half, my better half, the love of my life. He has taught me what love is, what it feels like to be loved, and the meaning of unconditional love. There is no one else I would want to share this journey called life with. There is no one else I would rather fight with, struggle with, parent with, and grow old with. So today on our 4th anniversary, I say here is to another 40 and beyond. I love you!


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