Tuesday, May 5, 2009

If I can't work, I might as well blog....

After a very productive meeting with our software engineer/web designer today, I was all ready to do some work on my company's new website. I needed to add some content and do some updates. But he must be doing the updates that we discussed today right now, because I do not have access. :( So in the absence of the ability to be productive, I will blog! I know blogging is productive but as I have not figured out a way to get paid to blog, it is just a super fun hobby. Also much cheaper than therapy. Although I fear I might have limited its therapeutic value by giving its link to family. They might not like some of what I write, and as such I have begun to limit the topics. Some day soon I am sure that I will be ready to explode and it will all end up on my lovely little blog, but in all fairness I did put a warning at the top of my page.

So what is new my world hmmm.......

The Monkey has begun to act out at school. I don't know how much is bad behavior on his part, and how much is reaction to bad behavior by others. For example yesterday he got into trouble for biting another little boy, who was trapping the Monkey in the bathroom and would not let him out. As an adult, if I was being trapped by someone in the bathroom, there is no telling what I might do to be able to get out. Obviously the rational part of me would hope that using my words would solve the problem but the irrational claustrophobic part of me thinks I might just bite someone if I had to. My question is where was the teacher while my son was being trapped in the bathroom by this other child, why was she only alert enough to know that he had bitten someone instead of to nip the situation in the bud before it got to that point?! So we had a good long talk with the Monkey regarding being in situations where the teacher is nowhere in sight. New rule: say the word HELP as loud as you can as many times as it takes for someone to come help you. I am not sure why he bit this child, he doesn't bite at home and is an only child, however he has been bitten before at school. Again I question the supervision and we have begun to think that maybe we should move him from the school he is in. In the fall he will be in pre-k anyway and maybe removing him from this environment for the summer might be best. But he needs to be engaged, and be around other children so I now have to become a detective to find summer programs for a 4 yr old. Preferrably with the appropriate supervision.

We are planning to move from our current location to other side of town to be close to my parents. We want more space, and now that the Monkey is in school, and I can work part time while he is not home, we can actually afford it. The problem is we now have to look. UGH so not fun! Hopefully it will be a quick and relatively painless process. Plus being by my parents means that when I am not feeling good, the Monkey is not stuck with a grouchy mama. He can go to Grandma's or Grandpa's and I can rest, he can play and be loud, everyone wins.

Hubby is doing very well at work! This is great because he gets better bonuses, and he is much happier. The change of supervisors has done wonders for him. He is finally showing his true skill, and he has a supervisor that recognizes it. He has been asked to train and work with other team members. I am so proud of him.

I have gotten a little off of the Weight Watchers wagon, but I am going to get back on because I want to wear shorts and be comfortable this summer. I am also gonna get back to working out. I was feeling much better when I was working out consistently, so I want to get back on that. I only stopped because I got a nasty cold and being an asthmatic any cold tends to attach itself to my lungs making it hard to breath and extending my recuperation time. But finally all better now and getting back on the good foot.

I think I am slowly beginning to accept that I just might have to see the fertility specialist. After 3 years of trying with no success, it might just be time. However I am trying metformin, and I want to give that a few months before I make any decisions. I also plan to pursue acupuncture when our flexible spending account starts over on June 1st. I would prefer to not chemically alter my body without trying other alternatives. At the same time, it no longer devastates me. That is growth.

I am fast approaching a milestone birthday, no I will not tell you which one. For the first time I feel a little sensitive about my age. Ok I will say it I am going to be 30. As such I have begun to reflect on just how far I have come. There are still some things I need to work on, but I am proud that I am a completely different person than I was at 21 or even 25. I like the person I am becoming. I like that although I feel sensitive about my age, I have begun to feel completely comfortable in my own skin. That is power. When you know who you are, you like yourself, and you don't care if anyone else does, the world is a much brighter place.

So I guess that is it for my update. I feel like I accomplished something and now I must go to sleep.

Have a good night all those out in blogger land

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