Thursday, April 9, 2009

Writers Workshop: SAHM Job Description

So I decided to do Mama Kat's writers workshop the prompt I chose: What is your role in the household?

What isn't my role? I am a mostly SAHM, I work while my son is at preschool. But onto my role IN the house.....

Wife, Mother, Chef, Accountant, Housekeeper, Laundry Specialist, Stain Remover General, Story Teller, Psychologist, Nurse, Doctor, Technical Support, Event Organizer, Teacher, Warden, Massage Therapist, Boo Boo kisser, Private Investigator, Finder Of All Things Lost, Fixer of Broken Toys, Fixer of Broken Ego's, Etiquette Coach, Motivational Speaker, Translator, Disciplinarian, Negotiator, Baker, Taste Tester, Discount Finder, Coupon Clipper, Meal Planner, Craft Queen, Frog Keeper, Personal Trainer, Personal Assistant, Movie Critic, DVD Repair Specialist, Replacer of Batteries, Replacer of Light Bulbs, Shoe Lace Tieing Master, TV Guard, Family Memory Keeper, List Maker, not to mention, Lover, Friend, and Photographer.

I think I got it all, but you never know, there are likely tons of things that I do that I can't find or create a name for. I wouldn't trade a second of it or a single job for any other life. There is nothing better than being all of these things to my husband and son. It was fun to think of everything I do, maybe I should show this list to my husband the next time he tells me I don't need a new pair of shoes.

1 comment:

Mommynightowl said...

visiting from Mama Kat's!

great list, its a shame we can't add these to our remumes